
Laudato Si’ tells us that “as life and the world are dynamic realities, so our care for the world must also be flexible and dynamic.” (LS 144) The events below, all offered by a diverse community of partners, provide up-to-date information about Laudato Si’ issues for regions around the world.

You are invited to become part of the community by joining the events below. These webinars, gatherings and discussions will offer information about new developments, hands-on guidance from leading experts, and opportunities to pray and to reflect on your journey with Laudato Si’.

How Fossils Fuel War? How to Build Peace: From Robert Schuman’s Coal and Steel Community to a Transition Towards Renewable Energies in the European Union

Laudato Si' Movement

Radio Veritas Laudato Si’

Radio Veritas South Africa

3rd annual NIHHIS National Integrated Heat Health Information System

National Integrated Heat Health Information System

Catholic Social Teaching on Ecological Economics

Laudato Si' Action Platform and FaithInvest

River Blue

Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Practical Tools to Implement Laudato Deum

Laudato Si' Action Platform Team