Laudato Si’ Week is Coming – May 21-28

Posted May 9, 2023

From May 21 to 28, people around the world will come together to celebrate Laudato Si’ Week 2023, a commemoration dedicated to reflecting and acting upon the message of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si’.

This year’s theme, “Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity.,” focuses on the connectedness of all things and the need for a renewed commitment to environmental justice.

There are many actions you can take during Laudato Si’ Week to directly and significantly affect the world around us.

The congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, members of the Laudato Si´Action Platform, are inspired by
Laudato Si´ to care for our common home.


Host a Screening of The Letter

With its worldwide premiere on October 4, 2022, The Letter: A Message for Our Earth – a viral phenomenon – continues to highlight the power of humanity united in action to stop the ecological crisis and its devastating effects on all creation.

Hosting a screening of The Letter is an opportunity to:

✅ Bring people together in conversation and action that is at the heart of Laudato Si’ Week 

✅ Develop momentum for the creation of Laudato Si’ Plans, a personalized framework to outline the concrete steps on your journey towards total sustainability

Host a Screening of The Letter


A Time for People of All Faiths and Backgrounds

Laudato Si’ Week is a time for people of all faiths and backgrounds to unite in action over our shared responsibility to protect the environment and ensure that it is preserved for future generations.

Throughout the week, there will be a variety of events and activities taking place around the world to promote environmental awareness. These may include workshops, webinars, and other educational events, as well as community service projects focused on cleaning up local environments or planting trees.


Making Laudato Si’ Week Personal

As part of Laudato Si’ Week 2023, participants are encouraged to reflect on their own environmental impact and take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. This could include using public transportation instead of driving, eating a plant-based diet, or reducing energy consumption in their homes.

Laudato Si’ Week is also a time to advocate for environmental policies that promote sustainability and protect the planet. By working together, we can create a more just and sustainable world for ourselves and future generations.

Laudato Si’ Week 2023 is a time of reflection, action, and advocacy, in which we reaffirm our dedication to caring for our common home and creating a more just and sustainable world. Let us take this opportunity to make a difference and renew our commitment to preserving our planet for generations to come.