Laudato Si’ Week 2022

Posted June 20, 2022

Laudato Si’ Week 2022 saw a flowering of action for creation. Focused on the Laudato Si’ Goals, this week-long celebration of Pope Francis’ encyclical on our common home was truly a moment of unity, with hundreds of events taking place around the world. 

The communities and individuals that took action during Laudato Si’ Week brought gifts as unique as they are to this moment.

Incredible stories about what happened during Laudato Si’ Week are available here, including photos and testimonies from communities around the world. 

For inspiration on how you might take action in your community, this video, which captures the spirit of unity in diversity that brought Laudato Si’ Week to life, is a good source for more ideas.

Each of us has a part to play in caring for our common home. Laudato Si’ Week may be over, but the prayers and actions of all those who protect creation continue.