Serving the Poor & Excluded: The Majority of the Planet’s Population

Posted March 13, 2023

Response to the Cry of the Poor, one of the seven Laudato Si’ Goals, is a call to defend human life from conception to death, and all forms of life on Earth.

This goal takes on an even deeper meaning during the Lenten season, in which our almsgiving, prayer, and fasting unite us with our most vulnerable brothers and sisters around the world.

Due to the “tragic effects of environmental degradation,”the hope of the world’s poor is in us; specifically, in the concrete actions we take in response to their suffering. (LS 13)

Below are two concrete ways you can respond to those most in need this month.


Join the Conversation, Unite in Action

Recognizing the inseparable bond between concern for nature and justice for the poor, the Laudato Si’ Action Platform hosted an action-oriented webinar entitled, “Integral Ecology as a Pathway to Lenten Transformation.” (LS 10)

“Integral Ecology as a Pathway to Lenten Transformation” streamed live on March 9 at 8:00AM EST /UTC-5 (7:00 Mexico City, 10:00 Buenos Aires, 14:00 Rome, 16:00 Nairobi). Translations are available on our YouTube page in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian.


Watch here


View this thought-provoking and engaging webinar to help you:

    • Set goals and take actions that bring together care of the Earth and care of the poor 
    • Live out practical suggestions relevant to your journey toward integral ecology
  • Better understand how God may be inviting you to serve the poor through ecological action this Lenten season and all year long

“Integral Ecology as a Pathway to Lenten Transformation” will help you keep your eyes firmly fixed on a path of action as we enter more deeply and fully in response to the cry of the poor. Don’t forget to share this with others!


Explore Additional Resources

We invite you to explore the Resources page of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, where you’ll find additional information on ways to take action.

Simply enter “cry of the poor” in the “search for resources” section of the webpage to access practical expertise, tools (including a printable prayer card and a podcast), and guidance on actions that support your progress in response to the cry of the poor.


What is the Laudato Si’ Action Platform?
The Laudato Si’ Action Platform is an initiative of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclical letter, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home. 

It is a virtual platform and a growing worldwide community taking action to protect the earth and all that lives on it. By reflecting on their lifestyles, evaluating opportunities for change, and setting concrete action plans that help renew their relationship with God, with one another, and with nature, participants of all backgrounds and levels of experience seek to respond to the cry of the earth, the cry of the poor, and the cry of future generations. They do so in seven goal areas and as part of one of the platform’s seven sectors