Frequently Asked Questions
Logistical Information
- How to use the Laudato Si´Action Platform
The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development warmly welcomes the universal Catholic Church and “all people of goodwill” to the project of caring for our common home and each other. Both those who are just beginning their Laudato Si’ journey and those who have been active for years are welcome to join. The platform is designed for the following sectors:
- Families (individuals and families)
- Parishes and Dioceses (parishes, dioceses, and episcopal conferences)
- Educational Institutions (schools, universities, seminaries and formation houses, and other centers of education)
- Healthcare and Healing (hospitals, clinics, centers of healing, and other healthcare services)
- Organizations and Groups (ecological communities, NGOs, movements, foundations, communication centers)
- Economy (workers and businesses, farms, and cooperatives)
- Religious (orders, congregations, institutes, provinces, and communities)
- How do I join the Laudato Si’ Action Platform?
You are welcome so simply visit and use this website as often as you’d like. All of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform’s resources and tools are freely and completely available to everyone.
- How long is the journey?
All action is warmly welcomed. Participants are encouraged to make progress towards the Laudato Si’ Goals in a period of no more than seven years. More information is available here.
- I’d like to commit to a Laudato Si’ Plan. What can I expect?
That’s wonderful! Your interest in making this commitment is a sign that you are well along your journey to realizing integral ecology.
Your Laudato Si’ Plan will be created by you, as you are the expert in your own needs and priorities.
Planning Guide are available to guide you. They cover a comprehensive strengthening of your processes, a period of reflection, choosing actions, and evaluating progress.
Those who enroll have access to a list of suggested actions tailored to their sectors and regions, a self-assessment tool to benchmark yearly progress, and connections with program partners from around the world.
Laudato Si’ Plans can be created by an entity in the sectors served by the platform. Please be aware that a commitment from an institution needs to be made on behalf of the institution itself, not by individual members. Individuals and families are welcome to enroll as such.
Enrollment Information
- Which sector should I enroll in when I create an account?
For individual commitments, you are invited to register in the Families (individuals and families) sector.
All the other sectors are intended for a corporal commitment, if you would like to register your parish, dioceses, school, university, organization, congregation, etc., we suggest you communicate this to your institution and discern who will be the person to make the enrollment and lead the journey.
- Families & Individuals: All individuals and families
- Parishes: All parishes
- Dioceses: dioceses and archdioceses
- Schools: Primary and secondary educational institutions
- Universities: private and public universities and colleges.
- Hospitals and healthcare centers: Hospitals, clinics, centers of healing, and other healthcare services.
- Economic entities: farms, cooperatives, businesses, enterprises.
- Organizations and groups: NGOs, lay movements, ecological communities, foundations, communications centers, other centers of education, episcopal conferences, commissions, retreat houses, colleges, and other institutions.
- Religious Congregation: religious orders, provinces, and institutes.
- Religious local communities: local religious communities.
If you have doubts about which sector to select please contact us through this form.
- After my enrollment, what would be my participation at the LSAP?
Once you enroll, you will join a global community in a journey toward full sustainability in the spirit of integral ecology. Your enrollment will give you access to a personalized dashboard to plan your Laudato Si’ journey.
Your dashboard includes a self-assessment to understand where you stand on the road to integral ecology and to envision where you might go from here. The self-assessment includes questions about your current practices across the Laudato Si’ Goals. After completing your self-assessment, you will receive a report with the record of your answers, a carbon footprint, and a summary of key actions taken by participants across the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, to give you a sense of where the global community stands in this journey. You are warmly invited to share this report with colleagues, partners, and neighbors as you work towards the Laudato Si’ Goals together.
After understanding where you stand on the road to total sustainability in the spirit of Laudato Si’, you are invited to create and upload a reflection on how your values connect with the Laudato Si’ Goals. An optional guide to reflection is available, helping you to think about the stakeholders who might be involved in this reflection, the ways your values are already expressed, and how the Laudato Si’ Goals are meaningful to you. You can choose to publicly share your uploaded reflection to inspire others.
After assessing where you stand on the road to integral ecology and reflecting on your values, you may want to develop and upload your Laudato Si´ Plan. You are the co-leader of this project, and you bring unique gifts of the spirit to our journey. The elements of your Laudato Si’ Plan are entirely up to you. In order to provide assistance that may be helpful, a list of suggested actions is available after your self-assessment is completed, offering clear guidance on impactful ways you can integrate the Laudato Si´ Goals in your practices. More information about suggested actions is here.
- What will I be asked in the self-assessment?
The self-assessment includes questions about your practices across the Laudato Si’ Goals.
More information about the self-assessment is here.
- Can I register the same email for a different sector?
Unfortunately, this is not possible. Your email address is an important way to log in to your personalized dashboard. However, you are very welcome to register for a different sector using a separate email address.
- I belong to an institution that has not made a formal commitment. Can I enroll on their behalf?
Institutions such as parishes, dioceses, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, non-governmental organizations, etc. are encouraged to make an institutional commitment. This typically involves a decision from the leadership on behalf of the entire institution. All institutional enrollments will be contacted to ensure that the body of the institution has committed.
If you cannot find your question, please contact us through this form.
Common Terms
- What is the Laudato Si’ Action Platform?
The Laudato Si’ Action Platform is a program and associated website that equips Catholic institutions, communities, and families to implement Laudato Si’. It is sponsored by the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and is developed with a ground-up approach in partnership with diverse Catholic people and institutions. It offers guidance and space for all to share ideas, questions, challenges, and inspiration, since “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” (LS 141)
- What are the Laudato Si’ Goals?
The Laudato Si’ Goals are the destination of our Laudato Si’ journeys. They offer guidance on the practice of integral ecology in the holistic spirit of Laudato Si’. More information is here.
- What are Laudato Si’ Planning Guides?
Laudato Si’ Planning Guides help you discern and implement your response to Laudato Si’ through a process-oriented approach that can be adapted to the needs of your institution, community, or family.
- What was the Laudato Si' Special Anniversary Year?
The Laudato Si’ Special Anniversary Year was declared by Pope Francis to run from 24 May 2020 through 24 May 2021. The Laudato Si’ Action Platform is one fruit of that joyful celebration. More information about the Special Anniversary Year is here.
- What is “Laudato Si'?
Laudato Si’ (“Praise be to you”) is the second encyclical of Pope Francis. The encyclical has the subtitle On Care for Our Common Home and was published in 2015, addressed to “every person living on this planet.” (LS 3) Pope Francis describes the encyclical as “a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet,” calling upon the Church and the world to acknowledge the urgency of our environmental challenges and to join him in embarking on a new journey to integral ecology. (LS 14) Read the encyclical here.
- What is “integral ecology”?
Integral ecology is a key concept in Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’. As Pope Francis says, “Nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live.” (LS 139) Our treatment of the natural world is deeply tied to economic, political, social, cultural, and ethical issues.
- What is the Season of Creation?
The Season of Creation is a celebration that takes place each year to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through prayer and action. The season starts September 1, the Day of Prayer for Creation, and ends October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology beloved by many Christian denominations. Throughout the month-long celebration, the world’s 2.2 billion Christians come together to care for our common home. Click here for more information on the Season of Creation.
- What is Laudato Si’ Week?
Laudato Si’ Week is a celebration held every May to commemorate the anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care For Our Common Home. In a similar spirit of the Season of Creation, Catholics across the globe unite as one family in prayer and action. . Click here for more information on Laudato Si’ Week.