Mass for the Care of Creation and The Letter’s Call to Unity

Posted September 20, 2023

As we continue to celebrate the Season of Creation 2023, many local communities are celebrating this time with special masses or prayer services embodying the spirit of Laudato Si’, and one is happening in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.

To prepare parishes for the Creation Mass, the Archdiocese is coordinating a campaign of film screenings of The Letter to explore Laudato Si’. These designated film screenings are shining displays of unity in our commitment to safeguard our planet and all its inhabitants.

The Letter: A Powerful Resource to Continue Promoting Change

The Letter is a documentary featuring Pope Francis and real people who are affected by our planetary crisis. It showcases the urgency of addressing environmental challenges and calls for collective action. Available in over 10 languages, the film speaks to people all around the world, inviting them to be part of the solution.

The Letter is a powerful tool to start a conversation about creation care:

  • Host a screening of the film in your community.
  • After the film, make a community commitment to enroll in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform and create a Laudato Si’ Plan.

You can find everything you need to know about the film and hosting your local official screening here.

In the words of Pope Francis, “Everything is interconnected, and this invites us to develop a spirituality of that global solidarity which flows from the mystery of the Trinity.” (LS 240)

Let us continue journeying together in this spirit of solidarity.