Message from the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development about Transition at Laudato Si’ Action Platform
As the Laudato Si’ Action Platform enters its fourth year of service to Pope Francis, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development thanks Mr. John Mundell for his dedicated and selfless service for the past years by serving as Director of the Platform.
John agreed to accept this special responsibility for a brief period of time, so we are especially grateful for his patient and long-standing service over a much longer period of time than we initially envisioned. No words can adequately express our gratitude to John, as he now is able to make himself more available to his other charitable work and to his professional association with Mundell Associates and for John’s willingness to be of continuing service to the Platform as special needs may arise.
The Dicastery also is grateful to Msgr. Robert J. Vitillo, who recently joined as a Special Advisor, for his willingness to serve as our Focal Point with the Laudato Si’ Action Platform and to work closely with the Laudato Si’ Movement and other colleagues in the Dicastery as we strive to promote and put into action the vision of our Holy Father Pope Francis “to bring the whole human family together to seek a sustainable and integral development (Encyclical Laudato Si’ #13).”
We encourage all to consult the platform for more than 850 print, power-point, video and audio resources that are posted there as well as up-to-date news on achieving ecological transformation in our common home, within the family, our local civil and faith communities, and at national, regional and global levels.

The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development thanks Mr. John Mundell for his service to the Laudato Si’ Action Platform and welcomes Msgr. Robert J. Vitillo as the Focal Point for the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.
The Laudato Si’ Action Platform is pleased to share this message from Mr. John Mundell:
As the Laudato Si’ Action Platform continues to grow and evolve under the leadership of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, I am stepping down from my role as director.
This decision comes as I reflect on the incredible journey we have taken together. Working with you has been both one of the most fulfilling and challenging endeavors of my career. The Laudato Si’ Action Platform was launched with a bold vision: to unite the global Catholic community in acting on integral ecology. Today, that vision is becoming reality, with thousands of schools, parishes, dioceses and others participating in this transformative mission.
I will always cherish the moments that highlighted the platform’s impact: hearing the stories of families making lifestyle changes, witnessing religious communities embrace ecological conversion, and joining webinars filled with voices from every corner of the globe. These moments remind me of the power of faith in action and the beauty of what we can accomplish when we come together.
Inertia and resource limitations remain real challenges, and overcoming them requires perseverance and creativity. Yet, these very challenges have deepened my belief in the importance of this work and in the strength of this community.
As I step away, I am filled with hope and confidence for the future of integral ecology and its expression through the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. The incredible growth we’ve experienced reflects the urgency and desire of so many to care for our common home, and I know that this movement will continue to flourish and inspire change under its next chapter of leadership.
Thank you for your trust, collaboration, and dedication. I would like to extend my gratitude to the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development for its leadership and vision, as well as to the Laudato Si’ Movement for their invaluable operational support, both of which have made this initiative possible. The dedicated platform team will continue to ensure its smooth functioning, guided by the same passion and commitment that has brought us this far.
I leave with deep gratitude for all we have achieved together and for the road that lies ahead. May we continue to act on integral ecology, knowing that, together, we can create a more sustainable and just world.
With gratitude and blessings,
Mr. John Mundell