

Laudato Si Movement

19/04/2023 Remote

Wednesday 19th April – May 17th weekly at 2pm (or view the recordings afterwards)

The Vatican backed Laudato Si Movement organizes an online Laudato Si’ Animators’ Course which is set up to educate and enable people to inspire others, in parishes, schools and in the world at large, to engage in dialogue and action on the current environmental crises. The Course, which starts on 19th April 2023, will educate and empower you to bring the Laudato Si’ Encyclical to life.

The Course requirements include weekly readings including chapters from the LS Encyclical, discussion groups, videos to watch, some webinars and some homework such as writing your reflections.

The Course will explain the causes and consequences of climate change, will show how the Laudato Si’ Encyclical fits into Catholic Social Teaching and will encourage a personal ecological conversion to enable action for the planet.

For more information, click here and watch this video.