
Empowering Local Communities for Ecological Transformation

Laudato Si' Action Platform



Join us for our July webinar, “Empowering Local Communities for Ecological Transformation,” where you’ll gain actionable insights and connect with like-minded individuals eager to drive grassroots environmental change.

Title: Empowering Local Communities for Ecological Transformation

Date: Thursday, July 11

Time: 7:00 AM Mexico City, 9:00 AM New York, 2:00 PM London, 3:00 PM Rome, 4:00 PM Nairobi, 9:00 PM Manila

Note: We have moved our webinar start times one hour later to better accommodate different time zones. Thank you for understanding.


This is an opportunity for community leaders like you to delve into local strategies, tackle the real challenges faced at the grassroots level, and learn from projects that focused on collaboration at the community level. 

Register for the July 11 webinar


Following a brief 10-minute intermission, we will dive into our focused community discussion. This segment offers each participant a platform to explore and share distinct local approaches to ecological transformation.

Register for the July 11 community meeting

In this session, we recognize that our challenges are diverse, but they often share common themes such as resource management, community engagement, and sustainable practices. 

Our conversation will address how we can learn from each other’s successes. 

Language Notice: To accommodate our participants’ feedback, this session will now be conducted exclusively in English. We still welcome speakers of all languages and appreciate your understanding.