Explore the Laudato Si’ Action Platform´s Resources, where a library for environmental care offers digital tools and information ready to guide you. You can easily find what you’re looking for by choosing different options like language, area of interest, and specific goals related to environmental care. It’s a place to learn, discover, and start making a difference for our Earth.
Here are three ways you can engage the resource library:
Use a Variety of Tools
The Laudato Si’ Action Platform’s resource library serves as a vibrant hub for audio, video, text documents, and tool kits aimed at fostering deep ecological dialogue and action.
Some prompts us to ponder essential questions: How do we navigate conversations on environmental stewardship with those who view the world differently? How can I incorporate prayer into my sustainability practice? Where do I begin if I want to make a change?
To use the filter and search bar on the Laudato Si’ Action Platform Resources page, simply enter keywords related to your interest in the search bar and press enter. You can refine your search by selecting filters such as language, sector, or Laudato Si’ Goal from the provided dropdown menus. This will narrow down the resources to match your specific criteria.
A thoughtful Italian-language resource shared by the Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo: “Before, I didn’t understand anything: Three paths of ecological conversion”
Share Your Insights About Our Digital Library
We invite you to contribute your ideas and insights to enhance our digital library. Instead of directly uploading resources, we encourage you to email us at info@laudatosiactionplatform.org with your thoughts and suggestions about the types of resources you would like to see included.
This English-language document from the Archdiocese of Chicago explores Evangelii Gaudium and Laudato Si’ .
Your input is invaluable in helping us foster an environment of learning within the Laudato Si’ Action Platform and support the growth of our library to better serve everyone’s needs.
Spread the Word
Share this treasure trove with others in your life by including it in your own outreach, circulating it as preparatory material, or discussing it together at different gatherings to enrich understanding and action.
CIDSE (Coopération Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité) offers a resource for Spanish readers on agroecology, asking key questions like “What do we know about agroecology? What does it look like?” and “Does it apply to my context?”
This library invites exploration into how we can engage meaningfully with our global neighbors, leveraging our different experiences for a greater good. Now we call on you to contribute, enriching our collective wisdom and shaping a shared future.