Our New Monthly Webinar➡Inspiring Action in 2023

Posted February 1, 2023

The first webinar in our new monthly series, Journeying with the Laudato Si´ Action Platform, was a huge success, with over 500 participants joining us in five languages!


This new series brings together participants of the Platform worldwide around a monthly focus, providing insights about the Laudato Si’ Goals through the eyes of experts in various sectors.

You can watch a recording of our first webinar—“Wonder and Awe: How Eco-Spirituality Can Inspire Us in 2023”—right now. 

Dr. Erin Lothes, author of Inspired Sustainability: Planting Seeds for Action and Senior Manager of the Laudato Si’ Animators program, spoke about how:

  • A sense of wonder and awe can support your concrete commitments to integral ecology
  • Ecospirituality connects you and your Catholic faith with the environment
  • Engaging your head, heart, and hands will make you a better practitioner of environmental sustainability
  • Ecospirituality can inspire the concrete goals you set in your Laudato Si’ Plans!

Please share this video link of “Wonder and Awe: How Eco-Spirituality Can Inspire Us in 2023” with all your contacts and friends.

Whether you are already well on your way or just beginning your journey, our new monthly webinar series offers: 

  • Direct responses to seek a sustainable and integral ecology
  • Inspiration from some of the best and brightest Catholic Christian leaders and faithful thinkers
  • A connection from what you hear in each webinar to the concrete actions that best fit you, your organization, or your institution 

Keep the Momentum Going!


Join us again on Thursday, February 16, for our next webinar in the series: “Daily Ecology in a World Where Everything Is Connected.” We look forward to seeing you, and hope you can bring your friends.