Laudato Si’ Week Uniting the World

Posted May 24, 2022

Since Pope Francis’ inauguration of Laudato Si’ Week 2022 at the Sunday Angelus prayer from St. Peter’s Square in Rome on 22 May, there has been a groundswell of momentum and goodwill from around the globe for this eight-day celebration.

The personal stories and local and global events in commemoration of the seventh anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on creation care have been nothing less than awe-inspiring.

As we continue to rejoice in the progress we have made in bringing Laudato Si’ to life while intensifying our efforts through the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, we pray our momentum throughout Laudato Si’ Week—22 to 29 May—will continue to grow and our voice and actions will unite people all over the world in the spirit of integral ecology.

Today’s Global Event—24 May

Today’s Side Event—24 May

Today’s Community Events—24 May

For a complete list of global events and to learn how to host and register a local event, visit

Register Today 

  • If you haven’t already, register today to receive the latest information about Laudato Si’ Week:
  • Check the Laudato Si’ Action Platform often throughout the week as stories, prayers, and experiences are shared.

May you continue to have a blessed and fruitful Laudato Si’ Week!